Legal flash

The New Digital Services Act and what you need to know about it

In mid-February, the EU Digital Services Act (DSA) came into force. This regulation represents a major step towards regulating the digital space and protecting users of online services. What changes does it introduce and what are its key points?

One of the main objectives of the DSA is to ensure that digital services, particularly online platforms, are transparent and safe for users. This means that operators of online platforms will have new obligations to protect consumers and the content that is shared on theirplatforms.

An important measure to achieve this is the introduction of new rules for the removal of illegal content online. Under the regulation, online platforms will be obliged to actively monitor the content on their sites and remove any illegal content. EU lawmakers expect this measure to significantly reduce the spread of misinformation, hate and harmful content online.

Another important aspect of the DSA is to improve transparency and the protection of user data. Online platforms will have to be transparent about how they collect and use users' personal data.This includes the obligation to inform users about how their data is processed and to give them the ability to control their privacy.

Furthermore, the DSA introduces new rules for digital advertising and marketing. Online ads will have to be clearly labelled as such and will have to follow certain rules to safeguard the interests of users.

The DSA will also set out new procedures for dealing with user complaints and penalties for platforms that break the rules.This means that online platforms will have to have effective mechanisms for dealing with user complaints and will face fines and other sanctions if they fail to comply with the rules.

Overall, the new Digital Services Act represents an important step towards regulating the digital space in the European Union. It aims to ensure that the online environment is transparent, accountable and safe for users, while protecting their privacy and rights.

Authors: Lukáš Tománek, Alina Starodubova

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